The Outfits Pack contains one original costume for each character - River, April, Wallace, Jackie and Malachi, usable in Free Hunt and Multiplayer mode.

River Knox

After spending many hunts in clothes inherited from Wallace, River opted for more comfortable and durable attire.

Jackie Mackovich

In her stylish Tweed Riding Jacket, cotton shirt, and fedora hat adorned with feathers, Jackie may resemble a British lady.

Wallace Elliot Willow

As a symbol of their enduring friendship, Wallace received a new outfit from his Slovak friend Ľudovít to wear on St. Hubert Day.

Malachi Burnett

Although Malachi spends most of his days in solitude, he understands the importance of looking presentable.

April Waley

Emphasizing stealth during hunts and wildlife observation, April is now equipped with a camouflaged hunting outfit.

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