Update 1.21 is live on all platforms

Keep your eyes peeled!

Update 1.21 is now live on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, bringing rare fur variations, car radio, new tasks, improvements and fixes, and more to Way of the Hunter.

(PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S) Version 1.21 patch notes:

  • Added: Vehicle radio

  • Added: Animals rare variations

    • Melanistic mule deer

    • Melanistic roe deer

    • Albino white-tailed deer

    • Albino red deer

  • (MP) Added: Host’s taxidermies appear in their multiplayer session

  • Added: Loading screen tips

  • Added: Additional objectives - Tasks

    • 6 new tasks for Nez Perce Valley

    • 6 new for Transylvania

  • Tweaked: Improved Main menu UI

    • Difficulty selection before starting new game

    • Difficulty selection in main menu

  • Tweaked: Improved character animations

  • Fixed: Greylag goose and Ross’s goose sometimes T-posing in killcam

  • Fixed: Missing teeth of animals in inspect

  • Fixed: Vehicle physics - Players able to flip car or throw it in the air with character

  • Fixed: Environmental issues

    • Tree placed inside rock

    • Misplaced water texture

  • Fixed: Large animals sometimes didn’t fit in hunting overview

  • Fixed: Waterfowl getting stuck in loop flying between two near need zones

  • (MP) Partially fixed: Opening claim screen triggers respawn of dead animal bodies

  • (MP) Fixed: Players not seeing gamer tags in hunting map

  • (MP) Fixed: Clients not able to hear some animal cues (squeaking)

  • (MP) Fixed: Private areas behaving different for client and host

  • (MP) Fixed: Taxidermized animal from MP was not available in SP

Known issues:

  • A large number of active tracking markers may cause FPS drops

We will be grateful for any and all feedback and bug reports via the THQ Nordic Redmine (when creating a ticket, please make sure that you enter the correct version).

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Way of the Hunter is available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.